Tuesday, January 20, 2009

T-Minus 3 Days

Hello! Now that we have been thoroughly inoculated against various diseases (hepatitis, thyphoid, cholera :S) we are ready for Russia . . . We hope. All of our preparations have been made and now we are just getting excited (Leah more so than Ross who of course remains perfectly calm). We have even purchased EU train passes for Germany, France, Spain and the Czech Republic (yes that's right whether he likes it or not Ross is going there now, but only if Leah admits defeat and agrees to go to Belarus)! We hope this blog will keep you, both updated and entertained, on our adventures abroad. Stay tuned for St.Petersburg survival tips from our first few days :D

Luv Leah and Ross


  1. I still vote you guys skip both czech and belarus and go to suchi :P safe plane ride!

  2. I am going to have to vote with brasco, I know you would both absolutely love the black sea. It is breaktakingly beautiful. Let me know if you decide to go, maybe I will come upon a bunch of money and join you there.
