Tuesday, May 26, 2009


On the 21st of May, Mila and her roommates had the day off of school, and so we decided to go to Dresden together. We met up with a friend of Mila's, who lives in Dresden, and who was nice enough to show us around the city. She met us at the train station, and we walked to the centre
of the city where we saw the Zwinger Palace of August the Strong, who was a Saxon King. It is a beautiful building, that you can walk all along the outer walls. The Zwinger Palace also looks into a beautiful open courtyard which contains a number of small gardens and fountains. After the palace we walked by the Dresden opera house, and then visited the Catholic Court Church now called the SS. Trinitatis which contains the remains of a number of Saxon princes and kings. From there we walked into the central square of Dresden, to see the Frauenkirche (The Women's Church). This church is very symbolic to the people of Dresden, as it is a reconstruction of the church that was destroyed in the Dresden bombing campaigns of the Second World War. All of the buildings surrounding the square were also heavily damaged
if not completely destroyed. Since then, however, these buildings have all been reconstructed to look as they did prior to the War. We stopped to have a drink at one of the cafés near the centre of the city before strolling along the banks of the Elbe river, where we eventually walked Mila`s friend home before catching our train back to Leipzig.


  1. Pictures are cute and the travels awesome.
    I love the historic places you went (got more piccies?)

    I hope the rest of your travels are relaxing.

  2. yeah I agree I would love to see pics of the rebuilt churches. The history you guys are getting to see is amazing
