Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hello, just wanted to write a quick post to apologize for not posting a new message sooner. Since leaving Berlin we haven't had a stable internet connection and so haven't been able to post sooner. After leaving Berlin Leah and I spent a number of days in Paris, then flew to Iceland where we spent 6 days, then we made our way to the UK where we met up with Leah's parents. We stayed with their friends Mike and Diana who live outside of London, spent a couple of days in London, and then went to Bristol to visit Leah's cousin Mika. Now, we are in Denmark and staying in a little summer cottage. We have visited some of Marian's family so far, spent two days in Copenhagen and will see a few more family members before we leave Denmark on Sunday. On Monday, we fly to Spain, where we will spend another week. After this, we are still deciding (Jeff and Marian are off to Barcelona and then Paris) we may go to Geneva or possibly to Barcelona or Paris . . . we have too many options.

Sorry about not posting more frequently, but we have gotten a little lazy and are just enjoying the couple of weeks that we have left.

1 comment:

  1. Lazy indeed! ;)

    Glad to hear you guys are having a good time though! What an adventure!!

    Hope you have a blast in your last couple of weeks:)

